WSET Level2 Award in Wines Online Course Public Demo
Do you want to see what the WSET Level 2 in Wines Online Course looks like?
Now you can! Click the link below and give it a try!

About the Course
The course covers the major grape varieties, regions of the world, food and wine pairing, sparkling wines, fortified wines and the major spirits over a period of five weeks.
What level of knowledge will I need to start this course?
You will not need any formal qualification just an enthusiasm for the subject and willingness to learn. This course is ideal for anyone wishing to be introduced to wine in an informative and structured manner and is suitable for both the enthusiast and those entering or already working in wine and hospitality business requiring good level of product knowledge.
How does it work?
The course is based around a 5-week, 6-module online programme with a recommendation of 6 hours study per week to cover the online activities and read the relevant chapters in the textbook. Regular access and participation in the course online activities is essential for this mode of study.
The course follows a weekly structure, but it allows the student to work ahead or catch up on the activities and forums. There are no set times to log into the course as there are no live chats or webinars.
The student can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should they have any questions. Each week includes a series of independent activities to help students understand wine label terminology and recognise the styles produced by the main grape varieties in key wine regions.
All our online qualification courses are designed to be interactive making learning more accessible and engaging. The course utilises social media to allow students to study alongside their peers under the guidance of a WSET tutor.
Students will be asked to taste and write notes on eight general styles of wines which your tutor will then help you to structure using the systematic approach to tasting.
Where do I get the wines?
The course has a tasting activity each week where you will be required to post your notes. Students should be advised to taste a range of wines during their studies. A list of recommended tasting samples can be found in the specification.
This course is assessed with a 1 hour written paper consisting of 50 multiple choice questions. The pass mark is 55% and is the last session of each course.
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Please note: the exam is NOT online.
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認定試験はオンラインではなく、キャプラン ワインアカデミーの試験会場にてご受験いただきます。
- Exam Date:
August 18 MON 2025
August 24 SUN 2025
August 30 SAT 2025
September 6 SAT 2025【Osaka】
August 23 SAT 2025【Nagoya】
October 1 WED 2025, evening
Course fee only
66,000 yen (60,000 yen before tax)
Course fee + Intensive tasting/Optional
99,000 yen (90,000 yen before tax)
This option includes an intensive wine tasting of 20+ wines with one of our Certified Educators.
The tasting will be conducted in Japanese.
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The course fee includes the textbook fee and the examination fee, plus the certificate and the badge once the exam is passed
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Students attending for the first time a course at Caplan Wine Academy need to pay 5,500 yen for registration, tax included.
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Please note that we cannot refund the fee once you pay.
Application flow/お申し込みの流れ
Once you have been registered, WSET London will send you an email inviting you to join the online class. Textbooks will be sent to your registered address approximately one week prior to the start of the online class.
2025 April Course (O2WI2518APP) |
Mon April 14th 2025 – Sun May 18th 2025 |
2025 May Course (O2WI2520APP) |
Mon May 12th 2025 – Sun June 15th 2025 |
2025 June Course (O2WI2522APP) |
Mon June 9th 2025 – Sun July 13th 2025 |
Course Structure
Module 1 |
- Wine and the consumer -
Recall how to use the WSET’s Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine® and Level 2 Wine-Lexicon to assess and evaluate the quality of a wine. |
Module 2 |
- Factors affecting quality and style -
Understand the environmental influences and grape-growing options in the vineyard and how these will impact the style and quality of wine. |
Module 3 |
- Still white wine varieties -
Understand how environmental influences, grape-growing options, winemaking and bottle ageing influence the style and quality of wines made from the principal white grape varieties. |
Module 4 |
- Still red wine varieties -
Understand how environmental influences, grape-growing options, winemaking and bottle ageing influence the style and quality of wines made from the principal red grape varieties. |
Module 5 |
- Sparkling and fortified wines - Understand how the production process can influence the styles of sparkling and fortified wines. |
Module 6 |
- Revision and feedback questionnaire - There is a mock multiple choice test to complete. |
Please make sure that your address is registered correctly!
Textbooks and exam results will be sent to the physical address you registered on our website (MyPage).
Please make sure that this is correct and accurate, including the apartment number.
※ Please note that if the package is returned due to an unclear address or missing apartment number, the textbooks will be reshipped to you and you will be charged for the shipping (着払い). Thank you for your understanding.
Course Code: O2WI2518APP |
Start Date : Mon April 14th 2025 |
Course Code: O2WI2520APP |
Start Date : Mon May 12th 2025 |
Course Code: O2WI2522APP |
Start Date : Mon June 9th 2025 |


このコースは、さまざまなスタイルの日本酒とその製造方法について学びたい方、WSET日本酒レベル1アワードで得た入門的な知識をさらに深めたい方を対象としています。 This course is intended for anyone wishing to learn about the different styles of sake and how they are made, as well as those seeking to build on the introductory knowledge gained with the WSET Level 1 Award in Sake.

【日本語クラスあり!】イタリアン・ワイン・スカラーは、英語で提供される最も高度なイタリアワイン認定資格です。ユニット1は9つのレッスン(および試験)に分かれており、イタリア北部の地域に焦点を当てています。 The Italian Wine Scholar is the most advanced Italian wine certification available in English. Unit 1 is divided into 9 lessons (plus the exam) and focuses on the regions of Northern Italy.

Napa Valley Vintners(NVV)の公式テキストを使い、なぜナパ・ヴァレーが世界的な高品質ワインの銘醸地であり続けるのかを詳しく学びます。 ナパ・ヴァレーは、古くは1976年のパリスの審判で、それまで絶対優位を誇っていたフランスワインを凌駕する高品質ワインの生産地として認知されました。更にその後、世界中から集まった都会の成功者達がワイン造りに携わることにより、単なる“生産地”ではない独特な魅力を持つ “街” となりました。 現地を20回以上訪問している認定エデュケーターがNVVのバックアップの下、動画やテキストなどの公式コンテンツでナパ・ヴァレーの魅力を存分に、体系的かつロジカルにお伝えします。


The French Wine Scholar is the most advanced French wine certification available in English. The course is divided into 9 lessons (plus the exam) and covers all the region of this Country.