Conducted by MW(Master of Wine) Matthew Stubbs

◆ For Candidates completed Level3 Advanced,& Diploma Candidates ◆

多くの皆様からご要望をいただいているDiploma Level4のセミナーを、WSET本部(ロンドン)推薦のマスターオブワインを講師に、2日間の集中講座として日本で実施できることになりました。講師はマスターオブワインの試験において、栽培・醸造とテイスティング部門でベストスコアで合格し、現在はフランス、香港など世界のWSETスクールでLevel1~4(Diploma)まで教えWSETに精通しています。今回は苦手な方が多いTheory、特にUnit3の合格を目指した内容のセミナーです。これからDiplomaを始める方も、どうぞこのチャンスをお見逃しなく。

MW(Master of Wine) Matthew Stubbs will be coming to Tokyo from France to have his own seminar for Japanese candidates. This seminar will be concentrated mostly on the Theory for Unit 3 and how to write a great essay. The 2 days will be very focused on how to approach the different types of essays, and will involve lots of group work in class. At the end of the weekend you will have a very good idea and framework for writing essays required to pass the exam. Don’t miss this greatest opportunity to learn from MW of the world!

8th November(SAT)

  • Introduction to WSET Level4

  • What the examiners are looking for?

  • Writing a great assay

  • Unit3 Compulsory Question

  • Unit3 Tasting and feedback session

  • How to answer the Factual Recall and Application Question
    and Application Question

9th November(SUN)

  • Short Answer Questions

  • Exploding myths

  • Analytical and multiple-part questions

  • Unit3 tasting and feedback session

  • Unit1 How to tackle the Assignment

  • Exam Preparation

  • Closing comments and questions

The seminar will be held in English.





Jプレゼンスアカデミー 研修センター
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山 3-1-31 NBF南青山ビル 5階




28名(最少催行人数 10名)

講師Amanda Parker

MW Matthew Stubbs

《Lecturer Profiles》MW Matthew Stubbs

Matthew began his career in the UK Wine Trade in 1987. He joined Seagram UK, part of one of the world’s largest drinks companies, and worked for 2 years in Retail (Oddbins), Marketing and Sales.

A further 8 years in sales followed covering all aspects of the Wine Trade from Independent Specialist Wine Merchants, through Prestige Hotels and Restaurants up to National Multiple Retailers. During this period he started studying for his wine exams which culminated with passing the Master of Wine in 1996 achieving the best performance in the Tasting and Vinification papers. He is one of 312 people in the world to hold this prestigious qualification.

From 1996 – 2001 he started a Wine Agency company specialising in New World wines which grew in sales from 200,000 cases to 1 million cases in 5 years.
In January 2001 he left Seagram to head up the Wine Department of Safeway the UK’s third largest Wine Retailer. He was responsible for a range of over 900 wines, 500 stores, annual sales of 84 million bottles and £340m annual turnover. During this time the Company became recognised for having one of the most quality-led and eclectic wine ranges on the UK high street.
He left Safeway in June 2004 to set up his own wine broking and consultancy company based in the Languedoc. In July 2008 he set up Vinécole, a wine school based near Carcassonne. He now runs courses and seminars at this Languedoc base and around the world. Clients range from private individuals and wine companies to Harvard, Columbia, UBS, and the Shanghai Wine Exchange in China.



三菱東京UFJ銀行 東京営業部
普通預金 口座番号1812074
口座名 キャプラン株式会社








